Just click on any item below to view Newsletters and Financial Audits.
2021 Winter Newsletter
Dear fellow member,
As I draft this last letter of 2021, I am reminded of how thankful and blessed I am to work alongside a hardworking team of financial professionals dedicated to serving and supporting our members day in and day out.
2021 Fall Newsletter
Dear fellow member,
It's getting close to the end of summer. I am reminded of how fragile our society is but your credit union's resilience and performance continues.
2021 Summer Newsletter
Dear fellow member,
The flowers are budding, grass is growing, and the smell of fresh mulch is in the air. There's a feeling of optimism and renewed hope we haven't enjoyed for a while.
2022 Spring Newsletter/2021 RECAP
Dear fellow member,
2021 brought many challenges to your credit union—financially, personally, and professionally. We’ve all had to make changes in how we operate and go through our daily routines. We got through it together with the support, trust, and confidence you’ve shown us. We’re very grateful. Despite the challenges, we’re proud to let you know that 2021 was another very good year for USSCO.
2022 Summer Newsletter
Dear fellow member,
After the last two years, it is so good to hear that people are traveling with summer vacations, attending baseball games, and enjoying the sunshine!
Despite concerns over increasing prices and inflation, your credit union continues to perform well. We had a great first half of 2022—surpassing our budget!
2022 Fall Newsletter
Dear fellow member,
A lot has happened since last newsletter.
Our long-time President & CEO, Todd Cover, accepted a new challenge as Business Development Manager for a bank. Todd was instrumental in leading USSCO through some challenging times. Our credit union is much stronger today than it was 13 years ago. We will miss him and wish him only the best in the new opportunity.
2022 Winter Newsletter
Dear fellow member,
It’s hard to believe that 2022 is already coming to a close.
On behalf of USSCO’s Board of Directors, management team, and staff, our best wishes to you and your family at this special time of the year. May your Christmas be merry, bright, and joyful and 2023 be healthy, happy—and prosperous. You are the most important part of our credit union. Everything we do is for you.
2022 will be another profitable
2023 Spring Newsletter/2022 RECAP
Dear fellow member,
Despite some challenges to economy/interest rates, 2022 was another successful year with many accomplishments.
After an exhaustive executive search, Greg Sisitki, our new CEO / GM, joined the team. With almost 11 years of credit union experience as CEO at Latrobe Area Hospital FCU, he brings a depth of experience, solid skill set, enthusiasm, and outstanding commitment to credit union values and ideals.
Who can join USSCO? EVERYONE! USSCO expanded membership options in 2022, partnering with
2023 Fall Newsletter
Dear fellow member,
Allow me to introduce myself and share a little about me. My name is Greg Sisitki, the new CEO / GM here at USSCO FCU. I was the CEO at Latrobe Area Hospital FCU in Latrobe, PA for the past eleven years where I was challenged to learn every aspect of doing business as a credit union. These experiences taught me valuable lessons and allowed me to grow into the person I am today. I have been married to my wife Michele, an elementary school teacher in the River Valley School District in Blairsville, PA since 2005 and we have two amazing sons. Mason is seventeen and Aaron is thirteen.
My father was a U.S. Steel employee and USSCO FCU member back in the seventies. I grew up not far from here and understand how important this credit union is to local workers and families. My goal is to keep
2023 Winter Newsletter
Dear Fellow Member,
As I reflect back on 2023, what a year it has been both personally and professionally. I am very proud to work very day with our board, employees, and members to make USSCO FCU not only a great place to work but a business that believes in community and helping others.
Throughout 2023, USSCO has helped many local organizations with donations such as Shop with a Cop, Toys for Tots, Operation BeYoutiful, and so many more that I cannot name them all. The Cambria County Shop with a Cop program, in its second year, helps deserving local children enjoy a wonderful holiday season. When you hear the stories from local law enforcement officers about their experiences shopping with the children, it warms your soul.
2024 Winter Newsletter
Dear Fellow Member,
As I reflect on 2024, it was quite an unusual year to say the least. This year had as many challenges as it did exciting new things. The words fraud and financial education / literacy came up a lot in 2024. Various scams throughout the year are occurring in our area, from the old gift card scam to check fraud. We have seen it all.
If anyone ever asks for your personal information such as your entire social security number or account number or even your login and password for online/mobile banking, please DO NOT give it to them. As a financial institution, we will NEVER ask for your login and