There are a million reasons to save. Let’s find yours.
New car, new house, new furniture. Exciting vacation, college education, kitchen renovation. Glittery holidays or comfortable golden years. Rainy day funds or sunny smiles on your kids’ faces. When you come up with your reason to save, let us know — we have a variety of accounts designed to help your money grow.
- Competitive dividend [interest] rates
- Track progress and access funds with Online and Mobile Banking
- Build balances automatically with Direct Deposit
- Deposits insured by National Credit Union Administration
Account Options
- Basic Savings: Build security — and a better tomorrow — for you and your family. Also, opening an account establishes your membership in USSCO FCU and gives you access to all of our first-rate financial services.
- Junior Savers: It's never too early to start understanding the value of money. These accounts provide an age-appropriate way to learn financial lessons that will last a lifetime. Available to members 18 years or younger.
- Money Market: Make every dollar work a little harder. A Money Market account pays higher dividends [interest] than most traditional savings accounts but offer instant access to your money — unlike some investments.
- Vacation Club: You work hard. By setting aside money year-round, you can treat yourself to an exciting adventure — or maybe just a relaxing week at the beach.
- Christmas Club: December brings all sorts of excitement — and often, extra expenses. Save up in the spring, summer, and fall so you can splurge during the Yule season.
Questions? Just stop by any USSCO community office or give us a call at 814.266.4987 or toll-free 866.877.2628.
Click here for current rates for Savings Plans.
USSCO Federal Credit Union is a full-service financial institution with Pennsylvania offices in Johnstown, Somerset, and Ebensburg.