Getting a loan is so easy you can do it all by yourself.
Well, almost by yourself. Here's how it works: As a USSCO FCU checking account holder, you apply for a loan fund called a credit line. After we say, “Sure,” you can tap into your funds anytime you want for any reason at all. Pay some bills, buy some thrills — it's up to you to write your own loan. As an added benefit, the credit line links to your checking account and guards against overdrafts.
- Easily access funds with checks, through Online / Mobile Banking, or at USSCO locations
- When you repay some of what you've borrowed, you can use the funds again
- If you overdraw your checking account, credit line funds will automatically be transferred to cover the shortfall
- This overdraft protection means that your checking payment will go through and you won't get hit with a hefty merchant fee
Questions? Just stop by any USSCO community office or give us a call at 814.266.4987 or toll-free 866.877.2628.
Click here for current CheckingPlus Lines of Credit rates.
USSCO Federal Credit Union is a full-service financial institution with Pennsylvania offices in Johnstown, Somerset, and Ebensburg.
These products offered are not deposits and are not federally insured.
Rates based on credit-worthiness
Rate adjusts twice a year on January 1 and July 1